Connee's Days

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I found it!

I found the place where you can fix the correct time. You just click on post and comment options when you are creating a new post...yeah, another accomplishment! Now I just need to learn to put the little picture in the All About Me section!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I figured out how to add my links...I can't believe it. Persistance pays off...just keep trying and it usually turns out OK> My new link is called Connee's Life. Now I need to figure out how to get the time right. It is not the real time I am posting.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Posting a picture

As you can see I learned how to place a picture on my if I could just figure out how to add my own links. I keep trying but it doesn't seem to work out right. I wanted Connee's Life Stories to be a link. I wonder if they have to be completely new blogs?

A Little More About Me....

I have been retired from teaching for two years. I loved teaching....worked for 37 and 1/2 years in an elementary school. I have taught all grades from Kindergarten to fifth grade except second grade. (It's funny, now second grade is the grade my oldest daughter Kelly teaches.) The last 15 years or so I taught Kindergarten. In a way it is one of the hardest grades to have to be very patient. I think I am very patient. My Kindergarteners actually learned to read and write. You would be amazed at the stories about their life that Kindergarteners can write. Another interesting thing is that I never got to go to Kindergarten. I grew up in West Virginia and if you went to Kindergarten, you had to go to a private school. My parents moved to a new town when I was 4 and there was a two year waiting period to get into I had to wait and just start first grade.
I want to learn how to add more to this part on other days...I'm not sure if this is they way to do it.

Friday, April 21, 2006

A Little About Me! Early Years!!

Thursday, April 27, 2006
I went almost 2 years to Taylor is a small Christian College. While I was there I married a guy from Michigan and we moved to Michigan...That's how I ended up in Michigan instead of Indiana or West Virginia. I finished up my college education at Siena Heights University. It was a small Catholic school. I'm not Catholic but they were very good to me. I didn't have money to go to school. My husband was injured in an industrial accident and could not work for almost a year. I tried to apply at another Christian College that was nearby (Adrian College) but they said, " Wait until your husband goes back to work and you have some money and then come back". That same day, I went to the Catholic College out of desperation...infact I was a little frightened...all the students had to wear uniforms and the nuns were in their habits and all looked alike to me. But the admissions office said I wouldn't have to pay anything until I graduated and got a job. Can you imagine that? I didn't even have to wear a uniform...since I wasn't Catholic and I was married. I rode with a nurse who worked in Adrian each morning...I left at 7:30 and didn't get home until after 6:00 each day because I had to ride home with Irma and she didn't get out of work until 5;30. It was a long day, but I could usually use their library and typing rooms (no computers then!) and get most of my work done at school. Usually I packed my lunch, but soon I met some girls and we went out for Lunch everyday. It seems so funny now, but that was when the fast food hamburg places first started. We went to Burger King and got fries and a burger for $.26. I just drank water to save money.Before I even graduated I was getting contracts in the mail wanting me to work for nearby school systems. I was ready to jump and take the first one, but the nuns told me to wait...that I would get plenty more offers and even better offers. They were right. I graduated in December and had a job by January 7th. I was teaching 4th grade in Adrian, Michigan about 15 minutes from my house. I loved it! "My own classroom" and fourth grade students were wonderful. But I did have 35 students....what a full room!
# posted by Connee @ 11:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Connee's Beginnings
I was born in Huntington, West Virginia. My parents moved to South Charleston, West Virginia shortly after I was born. I have a brother named Stephen and two sisters; Donna and Sharon Lynn (who we all call Lynn). We lived in the cities of Huntington, South Charleston, Rock Lake Village, and St. Albans. I graduated from St. Albans High School and went to college in Indiana at a school called Taylor University.
# posted by Connee @ 11:13 AM 0 comments

Connee's Family

Connee's Family
This is my second day working on this blog...Connee's Family. I haven't figured out the way to make My Grandchildren.....My Daughters, My Husband...My Dogs....or even just Me. Also I want to leave the comment section open to anyone who chooses to comment, not just bloggers. I hope I can do this!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My First Post

It is April 20, 2006
and I have just started the Family Blog.
I think this will be fun and also a good chronicle of our family!