Connee's Days

Friday, January 27, 2012

Good News And My Art Lesson

Miss Tammi called and said she was sorry she didn't offer us first choice on the Condo and we could have it if we wanted it.  She is going to send us the fees for it next year....she informed us that they would be quite a bit larger than the "killer deal we got this year"....I knew that made her mad last year but didn't realize she would hold a grudge like she did.
I went to my art class in Folley.  It was so much fun and I learned a lot.  The owner, Jan, of Jan's Art Studio has set aside each Thursday for anyone who is working on an art project to come in and work with others in her back room.  She was very helpful to me, especially since I know nothing about watercolour. Each person was using different mediums....pastels, oils, acrylics, beans, rice, corn, & other seeds to make a 3 D project for an Appreciation of Art Class.  Jan doesn't like the watercolor pencils very much, so she had me try tube paints.  She said the tube paints I have are the cheapest one you can get, but they are OK for practice.  She did insist I that get 3 new brushes...a flat, a round, and one that you can use to scrub out the color with.  She also taught me a quick easy way to make clouds.  You just make your sky using the colors you want and a water wash...then while wet, use a Kleenex or paper towel to blot out the color...then clouds appear.  Then you can dry the sky with a hair dryer and add shadows under the clouds and more color to the sky later.  She had me paint the same picture I did in the condo with the new paints and techniques she showed me.  Now I have done my 3rd and 4th water color pictures.  I guess I will be rich as soon as I start selling them.
After the art class we went to the gym and worked out and then to the cinema to see the new Sherlock Homes movie.  Donna and Johnny went while I was at the art class.  They loved it.....we didn't like it very well.  I very seldom like movies that are old fashioned or set in other countries.  Also Sherlock was very different and zany.  It was very fast and jumpy...lots of fights and action.  I guess it was OK, just not my type of a movie.    I did like the popcorn and coke....we got the Senior pack....small but good.
Lastly but not least, we went to the sauna, steam room, pool, and hot tub.  What a way to end a good day.


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