Connee's Days

Sunday, April 23, 2006

A Little More About Me....

I have been retired from teaching for two years. I loved teaching....worked for 37 and 1/2 years in an elementary school. I have taught all grades from Kindergarten to fifth grade except second grade. (It's funny, now second grade is the grade my oldest daughter Kelly teaches.) The last 15 years or so I taught Kindergarten. In a way it is one of the hardest grades to have to be very patient. I think I am very patient. My Kindergarteners actually learned to read and write. You would be amazed at the stories about their life that Kindergarteners can write. Another interesting thing is that I never got to go to Kindergarten. I grew up in West Virginia and if you went to Kindergarten, you had to go to a private school. My parents moved to a new town when I was 4 and there was a two year waiting period to get into I had to wait and just start first grade.
I want to learn how to add more to this part on other days...I'm not sure if this is they way to do it.


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