Connee's Days

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Back In Gulf Shores, Alabama

I haven't posted on here for quite a while.  We are still snowbirds and love spending the winters in Gulf Shores.  This year especially…..Blissfield has had 4 major snow storms and it is only the fifth of February.  Of course we have had snow and ice in Alabama too….can you believe it?  I have pictures.  The locals say this is the first time in 48 years!

I found this funny picture on Facebook about Alabama's snow and ice.

It says:    
Dear Alabama and Georgia:
We hear that you've had a massive winter storm, and that you’re under a state of emergency, and people are in need of assistance.
Just give us 10 minutes to warm up the car. Help is on the way!
Sincerely, ~Michigan

Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Fishing Trip

Donna and Johnny have been checking on a fishing trip for us and they found one.....a small party boat that holds 30 or 40 people.  We had to be there at 7:45am....not an easy thing for me...I don't like to get up before 9:00am, much less be ready and gone by 7:15am.

There were a lot of people there and all fishing except Donna and me...we were riders.  The water was a little rough and that made the boat kind of rocking...I liked it, but some people were getting sea sick...not me.  Johnny caught all the fish in our group....he got three that he could keep and about 4 he had to throw back, either too small, or not in season for them. 

I did not get a bite...but had fun!

Mike and Johnny

Here he is hauling a big one in!

Everyone had a pretty good time and the Donna and Johnny may want to go out again.  It was $65 for fishing and $30 for riders.  While we were getting our fish cleaned, Mike heard a man say, "I never believed I would pay $145 to get fish for our dinner." 

It was $3.00 a pound to get them cleaned.

Yoga And Art

I missed two yoga classes and one art class but I have still been painting at home and going a little to the gym....we have to get going to the gym better.  Donna has really kept up on it and is doing a great job....good for her and Johnny!
I did go to an art class yesterday.  I tried painting the Pelican card picture that I have.  It was fun and it turned out OK but it sure is easier to used watercolor pencils than the tube paints.  Jan, the teacher, says a lot of the problems are because my paper is student paper and it doesn't work well like real good watercolor paper.  So guess who bought good paper....yep, me!  It comes in a great big sheet like poster board and you tear it to the size you want.  Can't wait to try it.
We have gone to several movies....a couple of days ago we went to Haywire....I liked it.
A couple of weeks ago a man in one of the condos here had a stroke and died.  He was 82.  Today, there was some excitement going on....I don't know what it was but there was a fire truck and two police cars here.  I think Steve the guard will be able to tell us what it was tonight when we go to the pool.

Lots Of Fun And Very Busy

We have been so busy that I have got a little behind in my blogging.  While Mike's brother was here we went on a motorcycle ride to Pensacola, FL. 

First we went to the Navy Base to pick up Linda and Norm...they drove their car behind us on our trip.  We took some cool family pictures and mortocycle pictures there in the Live Oak Trees.

 We did the same thing quite a few years back, so it was a updated family picture.

Then we drove to Navarre Beach...that is one of Mike's and my favorite beaches.  We stopped and walked on the beach a little.  I looked funny walking in my motorcycle jacket and chaps..."yes, I said chaps", Maria brought a pair that I could wear.  I was kind of smirking at her for talking about wearing chaps but they were so nice and warm and comfortable, that I think I am going to buy a pair...hahahaha! 

     I found a handful of pretty shells......of  course!

Then we rode to Ft. Walton and stopped at What-A-Burger....yummy. 

We rode back to Pensacola and on to Gulf Shores....153 miles....a little longer then my bottom likes to ride.  Also, wouldn't you know I forgot my soft cycle pad.
The next day was rainy so of course the girls wanted to go to the Outlets.  We found some good buys...some girls found better buys than others....designer purses and sweaters, leather for me and I love it, cause I needed it....fancy underware, knives, knives, and more knives.  Also some Christmas presents...what fun. 

While we were doing the Outlets, the guys were making Seafood Gumbo Soup. 

Boy, was that hard and a long process....I'm glad we went shopping.

We had Seafood Gumbo, the next day in Pensacola at the Bowen's house.  I fixed potato soup and cornbread for those of us who didn't like gumbo.  Donna brought desert...cheesecakes.  Everyone was full.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our Motorcycle Day!!!!!

Johnny and Maria came over to the Condo today on their Harley.  We all rode together to Foley, Fair hope, and Daphne.  Paul rode in his van behind us.  The weather was perfect....what a great ride...couldn't have been nicer.  We ate breakfast at Hazel's, stopped and looked at art galleries and a Medical Museum in Foley.  Then we went to the Pecan to crack and sample our own pecans....bought Pecan butter, and Pecan candy.  Then we decided to go to Sonic's and have Cherry Lime drinks.  We rode up to the Harley Store but....they are closed on Monday.  When we got home Linda and Norm have arrived in Pensacola from Jacksonville.  They came over to eat at Doc's with us all.  Donna and Johnny came too.  Then we went back to the Condo...Johnny and Mike went in the sauna and steam room.  Paul went to the pool and hot tub.  Maria and I went down to the pool and met up with the boys and floated and hot tubed.  Maria just talked with us...she didn't bring her swim suit.  Paul, Maria, and Johnny spent the night at the condo with us.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday Excitement

Today we went to the Bowen's house in Pensacola for lunch.  We took veggies, dip, strawberries, and two kinds of ice cream.....homemade vanilla and strawberry vanilla.
They had turkey, dressing, gravy, Italian beans and potatoes, rolls, hot dogs, sausage, potato salad, and wings.  Quite a feast....oh Oreo Cake too.
We enjoyed talking to the family while we waited for Johnny and Maria to get there.  Then we all sat around and talked some more.  Maria and Johnny decided to stay at the Bowen's and to come to our condo tomorrow.  We are going to both ride our cycles to the town Fair hope and Bass Pro Shop tomorrow.  It should be fun...hope it isn't too cold.

A Beautiful And Wonderful Saturday In Alabama

What a great day!  We hung around the condo for a while and about 12:30pm we took off on a motorcycle ride.  It was just perfect for riding.  We rode along the beach to the end of the island and then back towards the bridge.  That felt so good with the salt air so close.  We checked out the State Park...but didn't find the nature center...have took again for it later.  It is interesting to see how things look different when you are on the motorcycle and on the van.  I think you see a lot more on the cycle.
When we got back to the condo, we cleaned it up a little and got it all shined up for Johnny and Maria.  I also wrote the bills...ugh.
Then we had Johnny and Donna down to our condo for dinner:  Smokey's pork BBQ sandwiches, coleslaw, baked beans, potato salad, veggies & dip, ice cream and strawberries.
We ended the evening with the hot tub and a swim in a warm pool.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Belated Birthday For Donna

We slept in until 11:00am and then jumped up very quickly and dressed to go to the gym.  After that we had plans to go a restaurant called Grazie, for Donna's birthday....a few days late. It was very good, however more expensive than we usually pay for meals.  Everyone got different meals and we all loved them. 
Going home I saw a Pelican Art Gallery.  Donna turned around and we all went in.  It was so nice and had so many things, I know Lynn would have loved it.  I have to take her there next year.  Mike found some lovely silver pendants....kind of casual ones the reminds you of the ocean.  I couldn't decide which one I wanted so Mike said,  "buy all three and I did!" The clerk said they are almost 99% silver....not sterling silver, so they will never tarnish.  I had never heard of that and they were $45 or less, so I think I got a great deal.  When we left, Donna said, "why did you buy them all...I wanted one".  that wasn't very nice of me on her birthday was it?  I hope they get some more in.

Good News And My Art Lesson

Miss Tammi called and said she was sorry she didn't offer us first choice on the Condo and we could have it if we wanted it.  She is going to send us the fees for it next year....she informed us that they would be quite a bit larger than the "killer deal we got this year"....I knew that made her mad last year but didn't realize she would hold a grudge like she did.
I went to my art class in Folley.  It was so much fun and I learned a lot.  The owner, Jan, of Jan's Art Studio has set aside each Thursday for anyone who is working on an art project to come in and work with others in her back room.  She was very helpful to me, especially since I know nothing about watercolour. Each person was using different mediums....pastels, oils, acrylics, beans, rice, corn, & other seeds to make a 3 D project for an Appreciation of Art Class.  Jan doesn't like the watercolor pencils very much, so she had me try tube paints.  She said the tube paints I have are the cheapest one you can get, but they are OK for practice.  She did insist I that get 3 new brushes...a flat, a round, and one that you can use to scrub out the color with.  She also taught me a quick easy way to make clouds.  You just make your sky using the colors you want and a water wash...then while wet, use a Kleenex or paper towel to blot out the color...then clouds appear.  Then you can dry the sky with a hair dryer and add shadows under the clouds and more color to the sky later.  She had me paint the same picture I did in the condo with the new paints and techniques she showed me.  Now I have done my 3rd and 4th water color pictures.  I guess I will be rich as soon as I start selling them.
After the art class we went to the gym and worked out and then to the cinema to see the new Sherlock Homes movie.  Donna and Johnny went while I was at the art class.  They loved it.....we didn't like it very well.  I very seldom like movies that are old fashioned or set in other countries.  Also Sherlock was very different and zany.  It was very fast and jumpy...lots of fights and action.  I guess it was OK, just not my type of a movie.    I did like the popcorn and coke....we got the Senior pack....small but good.
Lastly but not least, we went to the sauna, steam room, pool, and hot tub.  What a way to end a good day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trouble In Paradise

Today we found out that our condo manager has already rented our 401 condo for next year for January, February, and March.  She didn't even ask us if we wanted to rent it next year. The general rule is that the people in the condo get first choice for next year.   I called the owner and told her about it.  I don't know what will happen.
The good thing we did was go to the Genealogy Library in Pensacola.  One of the club members sat with me and helped me get some good stuff about my Dad's family.  I am going to get it all organized and go back and continue the search.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Yoga Day 2

This morning was my second Yoga class.  It seemed easier this time....I kind of liked it.  No music though......I missed that.  Donna and Johnny took me there because my Mike went to Mike Rawes' farm to work on his motorcycle trailer.  Donna and Johnny dropped me off and went to the mail box.  They made a miss turn and found a lovely Live Oak Housing area of beautiful big homes.  Then we stopped for lunch and wanted to get soup and sandwiches at Bella Luna Restaurant.  It was very good...we will probably go there again.  I had half of the Steak & and Cheese Sandwich and the best big salad with just everything in it.
Mike was gone longer then he expected to be.  When he got back, we all went on a walk on the beach...picked up a few shells and lots of feathers....pretty soon I'll have enough feathers so I will know what kind of bird it is...Pelican or Great Blue Heron.
Mike spent the whole evening trying to registrar for Medco....thanks to them for unlinking our account....boy is he a grouch.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Food Is Way Too Much A Part Of Our Day

This morning we went back to the restaurent, Road was baked pork chops day.  Donna and I both love pork chops. We met Mike Rawes and Paul Bowen there.  It was a good buffet.  Everyone wanted to go to the used bookstore in Folley but I saw a store called Jan's Art Studio down the street.  So I went there to see if they had watercolor classes.  It was a very cool store.  They have an open art day every Thursday....guess who will be there next Thursday.  They had the prettiest necklaces made out of threads with tiny squares of ribbon....they are really light and have a bead to make them adjustable...longer or shorter.  I think they are called Stained Glass Necklaces.  They had lots of beautiful original paintings....oil,acrylic, and watercolor. The pottery pieces there were made by a man called Rhett Butler....can you imagine.  He actually digs up his own clay and makes beautiful pieces.....beautiful colors....I think the owner says he doesn't even used a potter's wheel.  He puts lovely quotes on the back of each piece.
Then we went to the outlet mall again to find some workout clothes.....Donna and I both got some....after all we have to look beautiful at the gym.  The boys bought some shorts and shirts in their stores.  I also found the coolest knife at the Case Knife Store.

It is so cool...lime green...blade, handle, cover and all.  Kuhn Rikon is the brand.....very, very sharp...I need it here too...all of the knives in the Condo won't cut butter.
We came back to our Condos and had clean out the fridge day.....we ate all the leftovers.  I love leftovers.
Before we went to bed Mike, Paul, and I went to the pool and hot tub.  What a way to end a good day!

Party Day

Today is my sister's birthday....January 22.  I bet we are going to have a great dinner and celebrate together. 
Here's what happened:
We slept in and Donna and Johnny played games on the computer.  Then we went to the outlets to find some workout clothes.  I thought we were going to go to dinner, but no, the guys took us to the gym.  Hahahaha...what a disappointment.  I do always feel better after I work out.  Johnny wanted to watch some football games and we had soup and hamburgers for dinner....guess we will eat out later at the Italian place.
Later in the evening I watched some movies on Lifetime TV.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Beautiful Day At Royal Palms

Yesterday we went to the mall in was fun.  I got some eye cream from Estee Lauder.  I hope it eyes look horrible.  I also found the really dark blue jeans I tried to buy in Toledo.  They are called Ruby Road.  I couldn't buy them there because they didn't have my size.  They didn't have my size here either, so I tried on a size smaller and guess what....they fit great...even kind of roomy. 
Today was such a nice day.  The weather was the 70's and after I woke up, I spent some very pleasant time out on the deck....getting some sun and listening to the waves.  It was so nice that we went for a walk on the beach, down to the fishing pier.  I picked up some sea weed, shells, and bird feathers.  I think I will decorate a piece of drift wood.
Then we went to the pool and hot tub.  Everyday we meet some new interesting people there also renting condos here.  Donna and Johnny laid in the sun on their deck and then they came to the pool and tub too.
Then we decided we would get dressed and go to Doc's for dinner.

 I ordered Red Royal Shrimp and was quite surprised when I saw the head was still on the shrimp.  The waitress took them all off for me....thank goodness, I didn't like looking at the heads and eyes.
We went to a movie....The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo....

and was good.  I hated the book....too hard to understand.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

It'a Pretty Quiet Here In Alabama

Yesterday my sister Lynn and her husband Bill left to go home to Delaware.  I miss them already.
We slept in a little...guess whose idea that was?  We went to the gym and no one really felt like working out....but...we went.
When we got back to the condo, we went up to Donna and Johnny's condo for homemade soup and West Virginia hot dogs.  I brought up yesterday's left over cherry pie and some vanilla sugar free ice cream.
We were all tired and decided to go to bed early...had the lights out by 9:00pm.
Mike woke me up before sunrise and we took is just so pretty here.
Then of course we had to go back to bed and rest our weary bodies.  For lunch we went to Auntie Bo's and had ribs and chicken buffet.  It was pretty good...$8.00 a person.  After that we drove through the little housing areas there and looked at all the beautiful homes....lots and lots of pretty ones.  We looked at Wolf Creek Landings...a big bunch of attached condos that some people rent out and others buy and stay there.  It was right on Wolf Bay River.  I think Jewel would like this area for her family.  Donna says they are just huge and beautiful and fairly cheap...course they are not on the Ocean, but they are on a bay, great for fishing and boating.