Connee's Days

Monday, July 17, 2006

Our Anniversary...not in Mexico!!!

Saturday....July 15th....was our 28 th anniversary...boy has time past quickly. I was married 16 years the first marriage and 28 years this that is 44 years of being married. Whoah...that's a long time.
Anyway, I tried to plan a last minute trip to Mexico and it didn't work out...darn....I could have been on a beautiful beach.....we did have a good weekend. We went shopping and got a new blender...for our diet Smoothes that are wonderful. (The recipe is on Connee's Healthy Life Style.) Then we went to see a movie...You, Me, & Depree (It's renter!), then we went to my favorite restaurant (J. Alexander's) and had Filet was wonderful, the best salad with great honey croissants, the loaded baked potato, and the very, very best Key Lime Pie. Then we came home and read our books a little and then took a nap before the fireworks at the festival. We got up at about 8:30pm and went down to the park, met our kids and grandkids, and watched the fireworks. I took some pictures and will try to post them here.

Sunday we went to another movie RV (another renter!) and then Mike said he wanted to take me to a Mexican Restaurant...kind of like going to Mexico...I told him it didn't even compare! I had a taco salad and he had a great big plate, actually two, of food. Then I went to Old Navy (bought a few things for me) and bought my daughter Jewel some shorts she has been wanting but she hasn't had time to get to Toledo. She was so happy! Then we came home and worked on cleaning the garage. Wow, 95 degrees and we are working in the garage...we must be crazy! We need to get the new car in and the garage is full. We decided to just work on one section....still have three more to go. 28 years can make you have a lot of junk (actually I have lived in this house for 38 years)....especially for a saver like me! I don't like to get rid of anything! Mike would throw everything away! That makes cleaning the garage together hard. I'm thinking... save it or put it in a garage sale....he's thinking get rid of it now!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Over The Fourth

We had a quiet Fourth of July....didn't even see any fireworks....except on a Blog and it was fireworks in Hawaii....what a delight to find that Blog! We went to the Movies, ate good, rested and read a lot and worked on getting our Hawaii pictures in order...labeled and ready to print and put in albums. We did some wonderful things in certainly is a Paradise! This is a picture of us last year on Waikiki...we are having brunch at the Royal Hawaiian...our big splurge but it was worth it. We are planning on going back next summer....Mike's brother and his wife want to go with us! Sometimes I wish I could just move there and start all young newleweds...but I would have a hard time leaving our family...girls...and grandchildren, and what would I do with those 4 Shelties? I still kind of dream about it. Like the young couple on the blog I found today....getting an apartment and furnishing it with flea market stuff....enjoying the Ocean..... That is what my oldest daughter want's to do but I don't want her to be so far away and leave us....she says we all should go....but like I said.....

Monday, July 03, 2006

I Hope I'm Not Getting Sick!

For three days now I have been having stomach pain when I eat anything and it seems to be getting quite noticeable. Also yesterday I had a stiff neck....thought it was the way I slept, but it hurts even worse today! And my throat feels a little sore. My bowels seem kind of loose too....hope I'm not getting diarrhea. For over a week, Mike has said that his stomach hurts and he usually tells told me this when he eats.... he also has said that he feels like his throat is starting to get sore....sounds like we have something doesn't it?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Very Quiet Fourth!

Usually we are on vacation during the Fourth of July and our kids stay home. This year we stayed home and the girls and their kids...our grandkids...went off on vacation. It has been nice but very quiet! Yesterday, my husband and I biked around town and went to the next small town to eat lunch and biked back to our town. There was pretty strong wind so it wasn't easy. But I made it! Today we went to Bally's Gym and out to eat...we were going to a Movie but I was so tired I was afraid I would fall asleep so we are going to the movie tomorrow. We are also going to look for large sheds and buy one to keep our bikes and rider mower and lawn equipment in....our garage is so full there is no room for the new car! The Fourth we are going to pack a picnic and go on an adventure in our new car....put the moon roof back...almost like a convertible. We can't go too far...can't leave the Shelties that long! But I think it will be fun and relaxing!