Connee's Days

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Over The Fourth

We had a quiet Fourth of July....didn't even see any fireworks....except on a Blog and it was fireworks in Hawaii....what a delight to find that Blog! We went to the Movies, ate good, rested and read a lot and worked on getting our Hawaii pictures in order...labeled and ready to print and put in albums. We did some wonderful things in certainly is a Paradise! This is a picture of us last year on Waikiki...we are having brunch at the Royal Hawaiian...our big splurge but it was worth it. We are planning on going back next summer....Mike's brother and his wife want to go with us! Sometimes I wish I could just move there and start all young newleweds...but I would have a hard time leaving our family...girls...and grandchildren, and what would I do with those 4 Shelties? I still kind of dream about it. Like the young couple on the blog I found today....getting an apartment and furnishing it with flea market stuff....enjoying the Ocean..... That is what my oldest daughter want's to do but I don't want her to be so far away and leave us....she says we all should go....but like I said.....


  • At 11:50 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    Hey Connee...thanks for stopping by my blog. That is a beautiful picture of y'all in Hawaii. Wouldn't it be nice to pick up and move to a paradise like that?? If only....

    My niece lives in Honolulu for the past few months. She really liked it at first but now she's ready to come back to the Southeast U.S. It's a lot of culture shock when you live and work among the people and you're not on vacation at a resort. She did buy a home there and will keep it to rent out for a while (that's the plan right now.) Too bad I will not fly so I'm not going to get to go and have a free place to stay!!!


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