Connee's Days

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Michigan Schools, Teachers, Students, And Retirees Are in Trouble

And that Trouble Is Governor Rick Snyder!
Yesterday Kelly and I went to a MEA supported protest by Michigan Teachers against the way Gov. Snyder is attacking the students, teachers, and retirees of our state. He does not care about Michigan students, teachers, or retirees. His motto is take everything good away.  He wants to support tax cuts to big business and the super rich by cutting the basic needs of children and the elderly.

Kelly at the capital.

Some people want Teachers to be tough.

Many, many people were there
not just Teachers and Retirees.

Other Unions were there to support the Teachers....MEA.  The Teamsters sent members and big semi trucks.

As you can see Gov. Snyder was not very popular....we signed petitions to recall him.

I didn't want to go at first, but members of our union kept impressing upon us how important it was to make our presence known. I'm really glad that I did end up going; not only did I learn some things, but it felt good to be a part of this group that is fighting against some major wrongs in our government. And the MEA had a great, delicious picnic lunch for us...we literally did not spend a penny other than the gas to go up there! 

 Listen too this U-tube, you won't believe anyone can do this to the citizen of the USA.


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