Connee's Days

Friday, February 10, 2012

Our Fishing Trip

Donna and Johnny have been checking on a fishing trip for us and they found one.....a small party boat that holds 30 or 40 people.  We had to be there at 7:45am....not an easy thing for me...I don't like to get up before 9:00am, much less be ready and gone by 7:15am.

There were a lot of people there and all fishing except Donna and me...we were riders.  The water was a little rough and that made the boat kind of rocking...I liked it, but some people were getting sea sick...not me.  Johnny caught all the fish in our group....he got three that he could keep and about 4 he had to throw back, either too small, or not in season for them. 

I did not get a bite...but had fun!

Mike and Johnny

Here he is hauling a big one in!

Everyone had a pretty good time and the Donna and Johnny may want to go out again.  It was $65 for fishing and $30 for riders.  While we were getting our fish cleaned, Mike heard a man say, "I never believed I would pay $145 to get fish for our dinner." 

It was $3.00 a pound to get them cleaned.

Yoga And Art

I missed two yoga classes and one art class but I have still been painting at home and going a little to the gym....we have to get going to the gym better.  Donna has really kept up on it and is doing a great job....good for her and Johnny!
I did go to an art class yesterday.  I tried painting the Pelican card picture that I have.  It was fun and it turned out OK but it sure is easier to used watercolor pencils than the tube paints.  Jan, the teacher, says a lot of the problems are because my paper is student paper and it doesn't work well like real good watercolor paper.  So guess who bought good paper....yep, me!  It comes in a great big sheet like poster board and you tear it to the size you want.  Can't wait to try it.
We have gone to several movies....a couple of days ago we went to Haywire....I liked it.
A couple of weeks ago a man in one of the condos here had a stroke and died.  He was 82.  Today, there was some excitement going on....I don't know what it was but there was a fire truck and two police cars here.  I think Steve the guard will be able to tell us what it was tonight when we go to the pool.

Lots Of Fun And Very Busy

We have been so busy that I have got a little behind in my blogging.  While Mike's brother was here we went on a motorcycle ride to Pensacola, FL. 

First we went to the Navy Base to pick up Linda and Norm...they drove their car behind us on our trip.  We took some cool family pictures and mortocycle pictures there in the Live Oak Trees.

 We did the same thing quite a few years back, so it was a updated family picture.

Then we drove to Navarre Beach...that is one of Mike's and my favorite beaches.  We stopped and walked on the beach a little.  I looked funny walking in my motorcycle jacket and chaps..."yes, I said chaps", Maria brought a pair that I could wear.  I was kind of smirking at her for talking about wearing chaps but they were so nice and warm and comfortable, that I think I am going to buy a pair...hahahaha! 

     I found a handful of pretty shells......of  course!

Then we rode to Ft. Walton and stopped at What-A-Burger....yummy. 

We rode back to Pensacola and on to Gulf Shores....153 miles....a little longer then my bottom likes to ride.  Also, wouldn't you know I forgot my soft cycle pad.
The next day was rainy so of course the girls wanted to go to the Outlets.  We found some good buys...some girls found better buys than others....designer purses and sweaters, leather for me and I love it, cause I needed it....fancy underware, knives, knives, and more knives.  Also some Christmas presents...what fun. 

While we were doing the Outlets, the guys were making Seafood Gumbo Soup. 

Boy, was that hard and a long process....I'm glad we went shopping.

We had Seafood Gumbo, the next day in Pensacola at the Bowen's house.  I fixed potato soup and cornbread for those of us who didn't like gumbo.  Donna brought desert...cheesecakes.  Everyone was full.